Monday, February 24, 2014


This Saturday was Karneval in Ronshausen and it was certainly a unique experience. I don't konw that I can really explain Karneval or even really compare it to something in America. Everyone was dressed up (the theme was the 70s, but you could really just dress how you wanted to) and there was quite a bit of alcohol. The program included lots of dance performances, stand up comedy, and lip synching. By the end most everyone was standing on the chairs and cheering. Afterwards there was an After Show Party, which was just more drinking and dancing to music that wasn't really all from the 70s. I was honestly a little disappointed and had expected a lot more from the evening, but I'm still excited that I was able to experience it and take part. They also played Sweet Home Alabama, which made me really happy and sad and homesick. In exactly one month from today my family will be here visiting me. I am unbelievably excited and yet I already know how sad I'm going to be when the leave. We're making big plans and I honestly cannot wait to really see them face to face and be able to hug them and just share with them a little bit of my life here. I hope that everything is good back home. If anyone has any questions or comments feel free to let me know!

Golden Twenties

Last Friday one of my good friends from youth group turned 20, and to celebrate she had a twenties themed party. The party was complete with costumes, swing music, and a photo room! It was a lot of fun and everyone did a great job dressing up!

I'm Still Alive I Promise

I would like to apologize for not updating my blog in almost a month. I know. I'm the worst. But I promise I'm about to post like 3 times today just to make up for it. The last month has been pretty routine. I'm doing well and I'm alive and I'm happy. I've got less than 4 months until I go home. But I'm starting to get really excited for college! I'm 97% sure I'm going to UAB (unless Johns Hopkins accepts me and then decides to give me all the scholarships) and I'm really looking forward to it. Yay growing up!!