Monday, January 27, 2014

My American Bubble

This past weekend was our Midyear Seminar and we spent it in the beautiful little town of Ahrweiler. It was a much needed break and one of the best weekends I've’ve had in a long time. I didn’t realize how much I’d missed all of my exchange friends and speaking English and telling jokes that people actually get, but I certainly realize it now. Four days was just not enough time to catch up on what’s happened in the past five months and it was actually really difficult to leave my little American bubble so soon.

Bonn <3
The weekend actually wasn't anything like I’d expected it to be. I wasn't even that excited to go besides the fact that I’d get to miss a little school, but before the end of the first night I knew I wasn't going to be ready to go by Sunday. I was ready for a lot more lectures and A LOT more sleep than we ended up getting, but I think I learned a lot. We got to go to Bonn and see the city and there was yet another wonderfully messy crepe to add to my memories. We also had a ton of free time to just hang out and talk and tell stories. It was great. Words can not accurately describe the relationship I have with my fellow exchange students. Even though each and every one of our experiences is different, no one understands how I'm feeling better than they do and to have access to 47 other people who know what you're going through is invaluable. Our connection is so strong and I don't think I could imagine a better group of people to be here with.

I know I can't wait to see everyone again in Berlin at our End Year Seminar, but yet again I can. That’s only a short four months away, and those months are going to fly by. I have so much to look forward to in each and every of the upcoming months, weeks, and days. And I don’t want to waste one moment of it wishing it’d go faster.

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