Saturday, November 9, 2013

A Whole New World

So I've decided to change things up a little bit. So far my posts have mostly been about me and what I'm doing. But now that I've been here for a few months I've fallen into a routine and not much new is going on, so it wouldn't be very interesting for me to write about doing the same things week after week. But I assure you that if I do end up doing anything noteworthy I'll be sure to notify you of it.
For the next few weeks or so I've decided to write about the difference between America and Germany. Before I came here I always thought that Germany and America were pretty similar. I mean yeah, they speak a different language, but other than that they live basically the same as us right? But that's turned out to actually be pretty far from the truth. Most everything is different. From things around the house such as windows and light switches and how the doors lock to the things that are important to the people. And some of the things are better and some are worse and some are just different. But I guess they all make Germany Germany and America America and I think that's pretty cool. I hope you do too!
If you have anything in particular you're curious about or would like to hear about just shoot me an email or leave a comment and I'll be happy to answer it or even write a post about it! If not I'll have to come up with ideas on my own!

 Left and Middle: German windows open 2 ways, you can open them like a door or you can tip them open at the top.
Right: German light switches are little square buttons you push. This one is for the bathroom and it's outside on the wall in the hallway and it lights up when it's on so you know if it's in use or not.

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