Sunday, November 24, 2013

Germany vs. America. Round 2. Transportation.

So another big difference between Germany and America would have to be transportation. Germany has many more public transportation options. There are buses and trains and subways in almost every city. But you aren't allowed to drive until you're 18 so there has to be someway for teenagers to get around. Sometimes it's hard for me because in theory my school is only a 15 minute or less drive away, but I have to leave my house an hour beforehand so that I have time to walk, ride the train, and walk again. In America I never walked anywhere, or it was at least very seldom when I did. But here I walk a lot. That's probably good though because I eat a lot more too.
Germans also drive really fast. There isn't a speed limit on their highways and I think a lot of the time Germans tend to forget what is or isn't a highway. Their roads are also a lot curvier and smaller. Now given, their cars are smaller too, but for the first few months I was in Germany there wasn't a time I got into a car and didn't fear for my life a little bit.
There are also little things like how the traffic lights flash yellow and red right before they turn green (I'm not completely sure why but I think it's because they all drive stick and use this as a chance to changes gears so they can shoot off as soon as it turns green). They also have lots of tunnel (because they have lots of trains) but some of them are really small and you just have to hope that the cars coming the other way see you and don't try to drive in the tunnel while you're driving in it. And they have mirrors posted on the side of the road by big curves so you can see what's going on around the bend, which I think is pretty smart.
Although transportation in Germany is more environmentally friendly and driving on the Autobahn is probably a lot of fun, I am not allowed to drive here. Because of that transportation is a big set back for me and there are lots of things I can't do because I can't get there without someone to drive me. So, even though it may be selfish, I'm gonna have to give this one to America.
Germany: 1 America: 1

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