Saturday, March 22, 2014

The Heltons Take on Germany! Day 1

My parents landed today at the airport in Frankfurt around noon. My host family and I drove to pick them and I don't think I've ever felt more excited/impatient/nervous in my entire life as I felt while I was standing in the airport waiting to see my family come out of those doors. It was so great to finally get to really hug my parents and get kisses from my sister. And my two families finally got to meet (thankfully my german family can speak really good english, or else I would of had to do a lot more translating and a lot less actual talking). Afterwards we went to eat at a steakhouse in Frankfurt and then took sometime to walk around the town. But after the long flight my parents were exhausted and it wasn't long until the babies were worn out as well. We drove back to Ronshausen and I got to show my parents around my second home. It was such a wonderful feeling to be together again.

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