Saturday, September 14, 2013


This weekend my village is having Kirmes. I'm not sure how to explain it, because there isn't really anything like it in America.
Thursday is the opening ceremony and lots of groups perform dances. Then Friday there's a parade for the kids and they all get these cool lanterns that their parents make and they march throughout the town. My host sister's lantern was a ballerina. After the parade there's a Kinderdisco, which is a dance for all the kids and it's really cute. 
I went to my friend's house and we all hung out before the dance for the teenagers/young adults started. It takes place in this huge tent and it's kinda similar to homecoming, only with better music, better dancing, and the alcohol is all legal. But then outside of the tent it's like a fair with lots of games and bumper cars, which are actually the most amazing thing in the world. There are all these fog machines and loud music and it's such great fun. It was one of the best nights of my life.
Tonight there is more music and dancing, but this time it's more geared towards adults. I'm going with my host family and hopefully gonna meet up with a few people from school. It should be fun! 

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